2019年6月24日 星期一

安偉烈 第三周實習(6月17日-6月21日):公民如何參與政府?

前言:公民會第四期實習生美籍安偉烈 Alex Anthony-Williams 6月4日來報到,立刻投入公民會募款影展活動,這是他第三週實習報告,讓我們來看看他的實習感想。

安偉烈 第三周實習(617日-621日)How Can Citizens Actively Participate in the Government?Alex's Third Week Interning

During the internship on Monday, June 17, I went to the Legislative Yuan Zhongxing Building to attend a public hearing for the referendum organized by the Chen Manli Committee. I also was fortunate to have the opportunity to meet former Vice President Annette Lu. The whole discussion process was very lively and interesting. There are many representatives from different fields who offered a diversity of opinions. Everyone during the discussion held similar goals, namely increasing the participation of citizens in Taiwan.


That night, I went back to the office to celebrate the film festival and discuss how it went over. We all shared our different opinions and made suggestions for the film festival next year. After that, Mr. He discussed the goals of TCPA and the goal of maximizing citizen participation. He has introduced several different initiatives that TCPA has promoted in the past, such as the Four Seasons Democracy.


On Thursday (June 20th), I went to the Taipei City Council to participate in the "Taipei City Council’s Citizen Participation Public Affairs Committee" hosted by TCPA and four different party members, which called upon the citizens of Taipei to become "super citizens".
It is the first of a kind new experiment in Taiwan. The meeting also the introduced a system originally developed by the Danish city of Genofte, on more effectively allowing citizens to participate in public affairs.



Afterwards I researched and compared systems of participatory budgeting being introduced in the US cities of New York City and Chicago. Although, these initiatives have been great steps towards further citizen participation, the discretion of these city’s budgets remain limited.


