
Nan’s Second Week as a TCPA Intern
On Tuesday, TCPA held their biannual elections. Apart from taking the temperatures of all participants, I was mainly responsible for taking pictures of the meeting. Everyone signed in at the reception desk, grabbed a vegan Bento Box, and filed into the meeting room. As everyone introduced themselves and their issues of interest, I realized how diverse the membership of TCPA is. TCPA’s members are interested in issues ranging from animal rights to women’s rights and have different ideas for policies needed to address these issues.

We got to observe their election procedure and watch members tally the votes. I also helped to film the announcement of the election results and cleaned up after event. As an organization that aims to increase Taiwanese citizens’ participation in their democracy, it was meaningful for me to see them organize fair and consistent elections. This emphasizes their commitment to electing capable leaders and encouraging members to support and participate in their initiatives.

On Wednesday, I attended a meaning with the leaders of the Taiwan Animal Protection Monitor Network. The team was focused on their upcoming initiatives and legislative projects. For instance, they are working on the language of a petition which would require people to attend a 2-hour class before being able to raise a dog. From the subject of the petition, to the diction of the implementation processes, TCPA leaders were attentive in making the petition as concise and compelling as possible. Next, they planned for the animal rights exhibition in April and the dog show in July. As resources are limited, everyone must contribute to different aspects of the event, like creating invitations, managing manpower deployment and establishing a timeline. Being part of this meeting gave me an opportunity to understand how an NGO works in advocating their interests and using their resources effectively.