2024年9月22日 星期日

普左傑實習心得03: 閱讀賽鴿資料感想



作者:普左傑 Isaac Platt Zolov


我來台灣之前從來沒聽過「 賽鴿」,所以何宗勳秘書長(HO,Tsung-hsun)給我介紹的時候真不知道賽鴿是什麼!我沒有發現「pigeon」的中文翻譯是「鴿子」,而且不明白賽鴿是如何進行的。雖然賽鴿源自歐洲後傳入亞洲,最近也不流行,尤其是在我住的紐約。在有的美國郊區的賭場旁邊有賽馬場(跟香港的賽馬一模一樣)。在賽馬比賽中,人們投下了很多錢,但他們對待馬匹並不好,所以當我了解賽鴿運動時,我覺得這聽起來很相似。但我了解的越多,我就越了解賽鴿運動的危險性。





Learning About the Dangers of Pigeon Racing

Pigeon racing is an event where people bet on the speed of pigeons completing a course. It originated in Europe and later spread to Asia. Recently, "racing pigeons" in Taiwan have caused a lot of problems, as dangerous conditions have caused millions of pigeon deaths, yet the government has not enacted new laws and policies. Throughout the past 12 years, the Taiwan Animal Protection Monitor Network and other animal protection groups have organized different activities and published different articles to oppose racing pigeons.

I had never heard of "racing pigeons" before coming to Taiwan, let alone knew how to say it in Mandarin, so when Secretary-General Ho Tsung-hsun introduced it to me, I had no idea what he was talking about! Although pigeon racing originated from the west and was then introduced to Asia, the activity is rarely seen in the US, especially in New York where I live. So, the more I learned, the more I understood the dangers of pigeon racing.

I learned that in Taiwan, pigeon racing is an issue that relates not only to animal protection, but also to the dangers of gambling. Over the years, both millions of dollars have been spent on the activity, alongside millions of pigeons being killed. 

Taiwanese animal protection groups have been campaigning against pigeon racing for over twelve years. Despite the dangerous statistics of pigeon racing, for a while there was little response from the government. When larger international organizations such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) tried to promote the dangers of racing pigeons by producing public service announcements and advertisements, the government refused to allow them to post advertisements in large public places, such as Taoyuan Airport. Recently, there has been an increase in investigations into the dangers of pigeon racing, which has made more and more people aware of the importance of fighting against it. Most recently, the Taiwan Central Election Commission announced that they will hold a hearing on banning pigeons on September 24th, which I am very excited to attend. 



