2024年10月6日 星期日



作者:普左傑 Isaac Platt Zolov

在9月24日禮拜三,我跟何宗動(HO, Tsung-hsun)秘書長和動督盟的會員們參加中選會的「您是否同意禁止海上賽鴿」全國性公民投票案聽證會。我過去兩三禮拜都在閱讀賽鴿資料,所以當天已經了解賽鴿的問題,也聽得懂賽鴿的中文名詞。
我們到中選會的時候,我們以為要坐在聽證會的現場,但只能坐在旁邊的會議室看直播。所以,動督盟理事長王唯治(WANG, Wei-Chi)在現場寫陳情書抗議,而且我們都有簽名。我覺得這是「公民參與」最好的例子!




Attending the Legislative Hearing on Pigeon Racing

On Wednesday, September 24, I attended the Central Election Commission's legislative hearing on the national referendum on “Do you agree to ban pigeon racing?” with Secretary-General Ho and members of the Taiwan Animal Protection Network. I had spent the past few weeks doing research on pigeon racing in Taiwan, so I already understood the problems of activity, as well as the Chinese vocabulary to describe it.

When we arrived at the hearing, we thought we would sit at the hearing, but we could only sit in the conference room next to it and watch the live broadcast. Therefore, Wang Wei-Chi, the president of the Animal Protection Network, wrote a petition on the spot to protest, and we all signed it. Civic engagement at its finest! 

Although we only watched the live broadcast, the experience also allowed me to learn about the process of legislative hearings in Taiwan and the opinions of different people on racing pigeons. I was extremely lucky to have already met most of the speakers testifying, and it was really cool to watch them speak live. Even though there were times when I didn’t fully understand what they were saying, I was surprised at how much I understood!

What a unique opportunity it is to attend a hearing! I have never even had the opportunity to attend a legislative hearing in the United States, so having the opportunity to attend the hearing of the Central Election Commission not only allowed me to understand the content of this hearing, but also allowed me to better understand the relationship between the Taiwanese government and its citizens.

On Saturday, September 28, we met again with Tuesday’s participants at the “Policy Briefing” from Tuesday’s hearing, held at the Taipei NGO House. Since I did not understand some of the speeches during the hearing, the event gave me a better understanding of the matters discussed on Tuesday. We also had the opportunity to hear the views of some other activists and concerned citizens on racing pigeons, which also gave me a more diverse understanding of the different perspectives people have on the issue. Someone even brought their pet pigeon to the scene that day to support!

At that time, Secretary-General Ho also suddenly asked me to come on stage to give a speech! I was really nervous at that time because I do not have much experience with public speaking in Mandarin, and I had not prepared anything. Before coming to Taiwan, I was really nervous about speaking Chinese in public, let alone public speaking in general. My internship at TCPA has not only helped me practice Chinese, but also helped me improve my confidence!

I also invited my American roommate Sofiya to attend the event that day. Having already told her so much about my time at TCPA so far, I was very happy to have the opportunity to bring her to see TCPA’s activities in real time! 

