2019年7月31日 星期三

安偉烈 第四周實習(7月5日-7月8日):我在台北展眧寵物展的實習

前言:公民會第四期實習生美籍安偉烈 Alex Anthony-Williams 6月4日來報到,立刻投入公民會募款影展活動,這是他第四週實習報告,讓我們來看看他在寵物展的實習感想。

安偉烈 第四周實習(75日-78日)
Interning at the Chan Chao Taipei Pet Show Alex's Fourth Week Interning

          This week starting Friday, I interned with at the Chan Chao Pet Show held at the Nangang Exhibition Center. I especially enjoyed this week due to all the cute animals I was able to see! The motto of our booth was “Give a Vote to the Animals!”. The purpose of the booth was to get guests interested in animal rights protection. The organization designed a questionnaire to understand how people care about the issues. Some of these issues, besides animal rights included, protections for endangered species, animal abuse services( “police”), primary school students access to class pets, private ambulances, and household registration for pets. This experience allowed me to learn much about the differences and similarities in concerns involving animal rights between the U.S and Taiwan.


 On my first day of interning things started out slow as I was still figuring out my role and the best way to communicate to those passing by. Another important task for our booth was figuring out the best proper set up for attracting guests and protecting Jixin. After at first being nervous about talking to guests in Chinese, but by Saturday and Sunday I was able to comfortably able to communicate in Chinese to guests how to vote and the goal of our organization. I was also able to translate for non-Chinese speakers this information and even practice my Spanish!


 By the last day I was very impressed by how many people voted at our stand and also how enthusiastic they were about protecting animals. Many others were also very happy to see Jixin! By far my favorite part of the weekend was my walks with Jixin! I found out that Jixin understands both English and Chinese, which made me very impressed since I am still working so hard to learn Chinese!


